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Ronald Jansen

United Nations Statistics Division

Ronald Jansen is Assistant Director of the United Nations Statistics Division in New York. He is responsible for the Division’s work on data innovation and statistical capacity management since 2018. In his current position, he supports the work of the UN Committee of Experts on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics, including support for the Regional Hubs for Big Data and the UN Global Platform. The platform is a collaborative environment for the global statistical community to share data, services, methods and expertise, and jointly execute data innovation projects.

He joined the United Nations in June 1990 and worked for many years in the area of international trade statistics, covering trade in goods and trade in services. From 2010 to 2018 he led the initiative of the Division to better integrate international trade, business statistics and global value chain analysis. His educational background is in Statistics and Psychology; he obtained a PhD in mathematical modelling of human information processing in May 1990.